This is a comedy-drama film directed by David Frankel with the main casts Owen Wilson as John Grogan and Jennifer Aniston as Jenny Grogan.
A newly-wed couple escape from Michigan to Southern Florida where they hired as a newspaper writers.
His friend and co-worker Sebastian Tunney suggests to a couple to adopt first a dog to find out if they are ready to raise a family. Marley - the name of a dog is a kind of sweet that's why Jenny choose Marley to be part in their family.
But things changed when Marley is getting bigger and bigger. They welcomed their first baby Patrick.
A newly-wed couple escape from Michigan to Southern Florida where they hired as a newspaper writers.
His friend and co-worker Sebastian Tunney suggests to a couple to adopt first a dog to find out if they are ready to raise a family. Marley - the name of a dog is a kind of sweet that's why Jenny choose Marley to be part in their family.
But things changed when Marley is getting bigger and bigger. They welcomed their first baby Patrick.
When John reaches 40 and so as Marley is getting older and began to have an arthritis that could lead him to die. The whole family mourn of losing Marley because Marley is their first baby.
This is a funny movie and a story of a family who lives simply with their big dog in the house.
This is really a good movie.
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